Wednesday, 25 May 2011


I spent part of today (far too large a part, I might add) in a room full of uncomfortable chairs. I sat below a TV, but couldn't change the channel when 'Jeremy Kyle' came on (the remote has been lost for a considerable period of time). I had to wear my bathrobe over a medical gown, and some paper underwear, and so did all of the other strangers sitting in the room with me. This was my pre-day surgery 'patient experience'. As someone who has spent a lot of time over the last 15 years to try to make being a patient a little bit less dehumanizing for my patients. I found being patient when I was expected to just get in line and bleet! and BAAAAAAAA right along with everyone else infuriating. The staff were fantastic, supportive, and demonstrated respect for me and for each other. The environment leached all of that away. I imagined how scared I would be if I couldn't let people know I was uncomfortable, how angry I would be if I couldn't bitch about the paper pants and have someone understand me. We need to change things, but how can we, when most people don't see the conveyor belt or some way for all of us to get off of the damn thing? People are not products; real human experience can't be manufactured.

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